1. The DAGC Photography Club — ALO
Email: alodagc@gmail.com
Established by the Department of English in 2024, ALO seeks to orient students towards the art of photography in a way that they can express themselves through the medium.
The vision of this club is to enable students with a passion for photography to consider it as a career option.
Membership: Open to all enrolled students of the college, regardless of their chosen field of study.
1. Add-on Course on the art of photography
2. Monthly contests & annual competitions to motivate students
3. Exhibitions organized in the college campus
4. Workshops & internships
President: Dr. M. A. Wahab
Secretary: Dr. Satarupa Sinha Roy
Joint Secretary: Mr. Babulal Murmu
Membership Secretaries:
Mrs. Mousumi Adhikary
Mrs. Sarmistha Banerjee
Mr. Monojit Das
Mr. Gopal Kundu
Programme Secretaries:
Mr. Bijon Paul
Mr. Tapash Mondal
Mr. Akhil Kumar Sinha
Mr. Tapan Sarkar
Student Secretaries:
Mr. George Banerjee
Mr. Murtaj Islam
Ms. Misba Khatun
ALO – the DAGC Photography Club is going to organize a photography contest every month, starting from September 2024. The theme will be announced in the first week of every month and submission will close at 11.59 p.m. on the last day of that month.
A single winner will be selected based on the jury’s decision from among submitted entries.
All the photographs will be displayed in the Gallery of the institutional website.
Interested students may email the soft copy of their submission (.jpg/.jpeg/.png) to alodagc@gmail.com.
The theme for this month’s contest is GARDEN / GARDENING . The last date of submission is 28th February, 2025.
All participants are required to follow the instructions listed below:
1. Participants can submit only ONE photograph at a time.
2. Only those photographs may be submitted that are ORIGINAL & that have not been published before either in the print or the digital media.
3. Participants are also required to provide an appropriate caption for their submissions. Please mention the following in the body of your email:
i) Name of Photographer
ii) Department, Semester & Roll no.
iii) Caption of the photograph
4. Participants are required to rename the file of their submissions as specified below:
Name of the Student_department_semester
Overview of the Monthly Photography Contest
Frequency: Every month
Who can submit:
All students who are currently enrolled in Dewan Abdul Gani College.
Submission Guidelines:
• The soft copy of photographs must be submitted as .jpg/.jpeg/.png files & should be at least 300 dpi, minimum size of 1200 x 2500 pixels, maximum 5 MB, and can either be in color or black and white.
• The photographs must have been shot in the past 5 years (since January 1, 2019).
• Photographs submitted must not have won any national/international award.
• Photographs submitted must not be simultaneously submitted to any other photographic competition.
• All photographs submitted must be the work of the entrants.
• Entrants must own all rights to any photographs submitted.
It is the responsibility of the entrants to ensure that the use by Dewan Abdul Gani College of any photograph submitted raises no legal claims, and that Dewan Abdul Gani College shall not be deemed responsible for any such potential claims raised against it.
• Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
• Late, illegible, incomplete, and/or corrupt entries will not be accepted.
Where to submit:
• The soft copies of the photographs must be emailed to: alodagc@gmail.com
The photographs will be evaluated by a jury comprising the committee members of ALO – the DAGC Photography Club. Winners will be chosen from all the submitted entries. The judges’ decision will be full and final.
The parameters for evaluation are mentioned below:
1. Appropriateness/ Relevance to the theme
2. Originality & Creativity
3. Impact/ Strength of the image (and the caption)
4. Quality of composition
5. Artistic merit
2. Film Club — CINEMATES
Established by the Department of English of Dewan Abdul Gani College on 5th September, 2024, CINEMATES aims to organize regular screenings of famous and award-winning feature films & documentaries around the year, in sync with the ‘dynamic teaching approach’ promoted by the UGC and the NEP-2020. Apart from complementing teaching-learning efforts in the institution, the film club aspires to leverage the benefits of education through entertainment to achieve psycho-social empowerment of students.
Membership: Open to all enrolled students of the college, regardless of their chosen field of study.
President: Dr. M. A. Wahab
Secretary: Dr. Satarupa Sinha Roy
Joint Secretary: Mr. Babulal Murmu
Programme Secretaries:
Mrs. Mousumi Adhikary
Mrs. Sarmistha Banerjee
Mr. Monojit Das
Mr. Tanmay Sardar
Mr. Subhankar Maity
Student Secretaries:
Ms. Supriya Gupta
Ms. Sabnur Khatun
Ms. Anushka Paul
3. The Garden Club — ROOTS & SHOOTS
Established by the Departments of English & Chemistry of Dewan Abdul Gani College in 2023, ROOTS & SHOOTS aims to encourage students to adopt a sustainable lifestyle through its emphasis on organic farming and eco-friendly living.
The club is now run jointly by students & faculty members from the Departments of English, Chemistry, Bengali, and Food & Nutrition.
Membership: Open to all enrolled students of the college, regardless of their chosen field of study.
President: Dr. M. A. Wahab
Secretary: Dr. Satarupa Sinha Roy
Joint Secretaries: Mr. Tapan Sarkar &
Mr. Tanmay Sardar
Programme Secretaries:
Mr. Tapash Mondal
Mr. Bijon Kumar Paul
Mrs. Sitara Khatun
Student Secretaries:
Ms. Supriya Gupta
Ms. Lipika Das
Ms. Syed Tamanna
Ms. Suhana Sabnam
Mr. Tasiruddin Sarkar
Mr. Tanmay Debsharma
Mr. George Banerjee
Ms. Anushka Paul
Ms. Roshni Gupta
Mr. Ramij Rana
Ms. Rifarjan Rimu
4. The DAGC Culinary Club
The DAGC Culinary Club, an initiative taken by the Department of Food & Nutrition of Dewan Abdul Gani College, endeavors to learn and connect through food.
It is quite obvious that people bond over food. The DAGC Culinary Club seeks to help spread knowledge about food and nutrition among students besides imparting the basic yet essential life skill of preparing food through the practice of culinary art.
It strives to generate interest among students about the diverse culinary heritage of our country by bringing together those who are enthusiastic about food as a source of pleasure and sustenance. In addition, it is committed to spread awareness about the importance of sustainable living through various allied activities such as, organic farming; promotion of healthy, sustainable cooking and dietary habits; organizing community kitchens, etc.
One of the primary goals of the DAGC Culinary Club is to improve the employability of students in fields pertaining to nutrition & gastronomic science, food & hospitality, food writing, etc.
1. DAGC Masterchef
2. Grow-Your-Own-Food — Exhibition of Organic Produce by the student members of the club
3. Culinary Quiz Competitions
4. Food Writing Competitions
5. Food Fairs (aimed at honing the entrepreneurial skills of students)
6. Workshops
7. Organizing Community Kitchens
President: Dr. M. A. Wahab
Secretary: Mrs. Sitara Khatun
Joint Secretaries: Mr. Swapan Saha &
Dr. Satarupa Sinha Roy
Programme Secretaries:
Mr. Zubber Ahamed
Mr. Tapan Sarkar
Mr. Murad Abedin
Student Secretaries:
Ms. Rifarjan Rimu
Mr. Ramij Rana