Vision & Mission


The vision of the institution is to encourage and promote academic excellence and mold students into progressive, dynamic and empathetic individuals who are intellectually stimulated, self- reliant and socially responsible by providing value-based quality education. The college is committed to the cause of improving accessibility and providing higher education to those who are socially and economically deprived or less privileged.

With a view on the rapidly changing contours of education in current times, the college has adopted a strategic blend of traditional and innovative teaching practices and lays great emphasis on interactive teaching and learning. Students are encouraged to participate in various extra- curricular activities as a measure to ensure a holistic development of their personality.

Besides, with a view on the changing global landscape, the institution lays special emphasis on ‘empowerment through technology’ by equipping and encouraging students to glean the benefits of both in-person and virtual modes of instruction.


Ever since its humble beginning three decades ago, the mission of Dewan Abdul Gani College has been to empower the community by providing and making accessible value-based higher education. It aims to create intellectually agile and self-reliant citizens who are skilled in their respective disciplines. It strives to encourage students to carve their own niche with honesty and integrity and to hone their leadership and entrepreneurial abilities.

The college strives to synchronize its efforts with the changing times and seeks to strategically integrate tradition with innovation keeping in mind the best interests of the students. With its focus on comprehensive and holistic development, Dewan Abdul Gani College seeks to deliver a consistent service in the interest of the community on the whole.

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